Getting beyond Photoshop

Read Luke 6: 27-38 aloud. “If you’re listening, here’s My message: Keep loving your enemies no matter what they do. Keep doing good to those who hate you. Keep speaking blessings on those who curse you. Keep praying for those who mistreat you. If someone strikes you on one cheek, offer the other cheek too. If someone steals your coat, offer him your shirt too. If someone begs from you, give to him. If someone robs you of your valuables, don’t demand them back. Think of the kindness you wish others would show you; do the same for them. Listen, what’s the big deal if you love people who already love you? Even scoundrels do that much! So what if…

Sabbath in a box

Sermon Notes: Sabbath in a Box We have heard a lot about the Pharisees in our journey through Luke…And here they are again in todays passage. The Pharisees were all about keeping Judaism unpolluted- and all credit to them- they did not run off into the wilds to live as separated comunities like the Essenes but they stayed within society at large and attempted to keep the purity of the faith. And when it came to the Sabbath, they had it sorted. There had been years and years perfecting their model. God had said “Observe the Sabbath day by keeping it holy,” and, “On it you shall not do any work”. And they had run with that. The commandment from…

How not to be that guy (or gal) but this guy( or gal)

How not to be that’s guy( petty) but this guy( How do you feel about change ? What words come to mind ? Read the lyrics to these two songs written by Bob Dylan – which one was written when he was young ? and which when he was old ? How can you tell ? Come gather ’round, people Wherever you roam And admit that the waters Around you have grown And accept it that soon You’ll be drenched to the bone If your time to you is worth savin’ And you better start swimmin’ Or you’ll sink like a stone For the times they are a-changin   Standing on the gallows with 
my head in a noose Any…