What’s that Smell

What’s that Smell ? Icebreaker – What kind of Smells can you remember ? Flowers, Freshly cut grass, ground coffee ? What memories go with those smells ? Read Luke 7:36-50. Simon : Simon has invited Jesus over, but done none of the things one would normally do for a guest. This is like bowling into a marae without a welcome. It’s rude. Why is simon inviting him over and bring rude do you think ? When the perfume is poured – Simon’s response is all facts and judgement.  What does he think a prophet should do ?  When Jesus tells his story about debtors, which one is Simon ? The Woman:  the woman who is a sinner, cries, uses…

Stand Up

 What do you think is a prophet ? (read Deut 8:18) Colin suggested that a prophet is someone – who speaks truth (god’s truth) to power – whose life lines up with their words. A bible dictionary described prophets as those who conveys direct and specific information from God addressing a particular situation. Do you have a better definition. Can you think of anyone that you would regard as a contemporary prophet ? If so who ? and why ? John the Baptist was prophet – Read Luke 3:2-18 We know he wore rough clothing, his disciples fasted and he ate honey and locusts. His was a harsh discipleship.  What did he say about people – (Vipers ? Trees ?)…