180 Youth Ministries is for Years 9-13.
It exists to be a grace extending community who glorify God, use their gifts to serve others, seek to develop a giving lifestyle and grow a heart for global missions.
How we do all that is always changing…but one of the keys to 180 Youth Ministries is doing life together. We meet on Tuesday Nights during term time 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm. We have a rhythm within the Youth Ministry that involves worship, life groups and social events throughout the term.
We are unashamedly about Jesus Christ, our desire is to see young people begin a journey of becoming a life long follower of Jesus.
It doesn’t mean you have to be a Christian to come to anything that we do as a youth community, it just means that we try and do everything with the end goal in mind! From our Youth lead worship to our life groups to the crazy social events we get up to we do it all because as a team we want people to meet with Jesus.
Feel free to come and check out what we get up to. Doing life with the 180 Youth community is an awesome adventure fun filled adventure that makes life interesting!
For more information or if you want to get in touch with us, find us on Facebook link below.
Also there are Facebook groups for Youth and Parents to help communicate about event information during the term.
180 Youth Leaders