Stand Up

 What do you think is a prophet ? (read Deut 8:18) Colin suggested that a prophet is someone – who speaks truth (god’s truth) to power – whose life lines up with their words. A bible dictionary described prophets as those who conveys direct and specific information from God addressing a particular situation. Do you have a better definition. Can you think of anyone that you would regard as a contemporary prophet ? If so who ? and why ? John the Baptist was prophet – Read Luke 3:2-18 We know he wore rough clothing, his disciples fasted and he ate honey and locusts. His was a harsh discipleship.  What did he say about people – (Vipers ? Trees ?)…

Sabbath in a box

Sermon Notes: Sabbath in a Box We have heard a lot about the Pharisees in our journey through Luke…And here they are again in todays passage. The Pharisees were all about keeping Judaism unpolluted- and all credit to them- they did not run off into the wilds to live as separated comunities like the Essenes but they stayed within society at large and attempted to keep the purity of the faith. And when it came to the Sabbath, they had it sorted. There had been years and years perfecting their model. God had said “Observe the Sabbath day by keeping it holy,” and, “On it you shall not do any work”. And they had run with that. The commandment from…