A silence and Solitude Prayer exercise

If you’re unsettled at the start – maybe go for a walk. Sing a song ? what might help you slow down ? Choose a place that feels comfortable and safe to you, a place that allows you to be open and available to God—a favorite chair at home, your own backyard if it is quiet, or even a nearby chapel if you have access to one.   Settle into a comfortable position in your body and sit quietly for a few moments, breathing deeply,  becoming aware of God’s presence with you and your desire to be present with God. Sit quietly at the base of the tree that is your life and begin to notice what is true about…

Appy Prayer

There are some helpful phone apps that are designed to prompt you for daily prayer. Three of note are Lectio365 , BiOY (Bible in one Year) and Pray as you Go Each has a daily set of readings and prayer prompts, each can read the prayer to you, each provides space for you. Check them out.

Prayer Books – Using other peoples words to get you started

There’s a bunch of Christians who are quite anti using prayer books. The best prayers are from the heart they think to themselves, and so they are cautious of other peoples words. There are other poeple who find that  other peoples carefully thought words are sparks that ignite our prayers.  If that’s you there’s a couple of great websites to spark your prayer life. The Irish Jesuits & The Ignatians have a lovely site for daily prayers called                   Sacred Space Your daily prayer online                 If you prefer an audio led prayer you can sign up for a podcast led prayer at Pray-as-you-go. They both have App’s for mobile…

The QWERTY prayer – (at work)

The QWERTY Prayer  is based on the familiar qwerty keyboard layout. Q = Quiet. Take a moment to qui- eten yourself. Sit in a comfortable position and take three deep breaths focusing on the movement of air in and out of your body. In this quite moment invite God to be with you and guide you. W = Work. Begin by praying about your work overall. Thank God for your work and ask him to bless and guide what you do. Express your concerns about your work and ask for any help you need. E = Employees. Think about the people involved: colleagues and clients. What can you pray about regarding them? Who are you concerned about and what are their needs? R =…

The Examine (Self Reflection)

When it comes to praying, you are smart to not get too worried about denominational boundaries. Learn from those who know lots and practise prayer a lot. The Ignatians have a lovely way of praying and self reflecting – They call it the daily Examin and have posted a set of Flash Flip books to try out.  Why don’t you take 5 minutes (or more) and try praying one of these : Gratitude, Naming the Grace, Praise, Reverence & Service or Choose Life.  If you’d prefer a Video led version a group of youth workers got together and put up this Video Examin prayer.