Ed’s Story

A seven-part film series about hope, featuring Ed Dobson. This DVD includes all seven films: It Ain’t Over, Consider the Birds, Be There, My Garden, Ask Forgiveness, Grateful, and Healing . It Ain’t Over – Ed reminds us that life isn’t over yet and that we don’t have to feel overwhelmed by the struggles we’re facing today. Difficult news can sometimes make us feel like our lives are over. Ed shows us that we don’t know the future, and that things may turn out quite differently from what we expect. Ed has Motor Neuron Disease (ALS) and this can be a tough watch if you have friends on this difficult journey. I couldn’t watch it while my friend was dying of this.


Trends come and go in our culture and the church seems to follow. BASIC is a seven-part series of short films that challenges us to reclaim the church as Scripture describes it to be. Francis Chan put this 7 session DVD together for  those who have questions about the church and to those who may have lost interest in the church.  He does tend to gush forth ideas and you may not agree with his assumptions, but he will get you thinking and talking about what Church is. (Hint: We are church).

Life Group Resources

We seek to build a library of resources that might make it easy to run life groups. As part of this we generally produce notes from a Sunday message that we hope are suitable for small group discussions. We’re also building a library of DVD material that might make it easy.