The Treaty Journey.

It’s not our intent to tell people what to think but to highlightsome resources that are helpful for those who are interested in understanding what it might mean to belong in New Zealand. Most of these resources are aimed at helping the Pākeha journey.

To Watch : we recommend the 2 video workshops “Belonging in this Land “ They tell a story of the positive intent expressed in both the declaration of Independance and the Treaty of Waitangi. They have been shaping our journey.

To read: 

  • Watch : Tāngata Whenua & Tāngata Tiriti: a conversation with Dr. Alistair Reese
  • Article : Pakeha Identity and the treaty by Alistair Reese.
  • Article Becoming really Pakeha by Jen Margaret.
  • Book : Hui come home by Jay Ruka.
  • Book : the treaty of Waitangi by Claudia Orange
  • Book : The English Text of the Treaty of Waitangi by Ned Fletcher.
  • Book : Pākehā and the Treaty, Why it’s Our Treaty Too, by Patrick Snedden’s book
  • Book : The Bible and the Treaty. by Keith Newman
  • Book : The Dragon and the Taniwha by Manying Ip

To Listen to 

  • Podcast :  Becoming Tangata Tiriti, by Rourou Conversation

Remember the church is not a group of people who believe all the same things; the church is a group of people caught up in the same story, with Jesus at the centre. We do however have a call towards reconcilation and love.