Simple September – Stuff (Alias Talk like a pirate day)

  [sc_embed_player fileurl=”″]   Try this: pirate whispers with 3 verses Heb 13:5, Prov 21:6,Matthew 6:19. Try it in your small group. (Get someone to look up the verse, get them to whisper it to another person and so on, until it reaches the end, then get the last person to say it aloud). 15 “You shall not steal. Exodus 20:15 (NIV) Discuss: Did you ever steal as a kid ? Would you shoplift a DVD ? Have you ever ? Ripped Cd’s onto MP3 Used photo’s used without permission Run file sharing software Watched pirated DVD’s, downloaded, or streamed a movie that you didn’t pay for ? Downloaded your favourite TV program Taped your favourite LP onto a cassette…

Simple September : Still (notes)

When I worked with Drug addicts, many of their first encounters with Jesus were when they were in pain and cryed out asking for relief. For Many of us our faith began with petitionary prayer. Asking for stuff. This is a legitimate form of prayer. Many psalms do this. Discuss : Can you remember your first prayers ? What were they about ? God is not only defined by what we want and ask for. Just as a baby begins with crying as a request for something, we grow to have relationships that are not solely about asking and getting. Discuss: Have you ever had a relationship that seemed to solely be about you giving to someone else ? What…

Simple September : Stop

When the people of Israel were slaves in Egypt, we know that their bosses were oppressive (read Exodus 1:1,14,). The situation seemed to keep getting worse (Exodus 5:7-8) and this concerned God (Exodus 3:7). Every labour weekend we celebrate the 40 hour week, and weekends off.  Discuss : Are people still working 40 hour weeks and taking the weekend off.  In the Jetson’s cartoon series, George Jetson works 2 days a week for 1 hour. Has technology had this effect on us ?   When God was forming the nation of Israel and giving them guidelines for not living like a slave. He said.  8 “Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. 9 Six days you shall labor and do all…

Technology and families

Parents often have a love and hate relationship with technology. It allows our kids to do so much, and it allows our kids to do so much. We often have a sense that it gives with one hand and takes with another. Annie Voscamp has written a short piece that was prompted by reading Andy Crouches new book about technology and families. I reckon it is worth a read.

Bacon and Palm Leaves

This last sunday we celebrated Palm Sunday and had breakfast to raise money for our youth going to Easter Camp.

Prayer Books – Using other peoples words to get you started

There’s a bunch of Christians who are quite anti using prayer books. The best prayers are from the heart they think to themselves, and so they are cautious of other peoples words. There are other poeple who find that  other peoples carefully thought words are sparks that ignite our prayers.  If that’s you there’s a couple of great websites to spark your prayer life. The Irish Jesuits & The Ignatians have a lovely site for daily prayers called                   Sacred Space Your daily prayer online                 If you prefer an audio led prayer you can sign up for a podcast led prayer at Pray-as-you-go. They both have App’s for mobile…

The QWERTY prayer – (at work)

The QWERTY Prayer  is based on the familiar qwerty keyboard layout. Q = Quiet. Take a moment to qui- eten yourself. Sit in a comfortable position and take three deep breaths focusing on the movement of air in and out of your body. In this quite moment invite God to be with you and guide you. W = Work. Begin by praying about your work overall. Thank God for your work and ask him to bless and guide what you do. Express your concerns about your work and ask for any help you need. E = Employees. Think about the people involved: colleagues and clients. What can you pray about regarding them? Who are you concerned about and what are their needs? R =…

The Examine (Self Reflection)

When it comes to praying, you are smart to not get too worried about denominational boundaries. Learn from those who know lots and practise prayer a lot. The Ignatians have a lovely way of praying and self reflecting – They call it the daily Examin and have posted a set of Flash Flip books to try out.  Why don’t you take 5 minutes (or more) and try praying one of these : Gratitude, Naming the Grace, Praise, Reverence & Service or Choose Life.  If you’d prefer a Video led version a group of youth workers got together and put up this Video Examin prayer.