A silence and Solitude Prayer exercise

If you’re unsettled at the start – maybe go for a walk. Sing a song ? what might help you slow down ? Choose a place that feels comfortable and safe to you, a place that allows you to be open and available to God—a favorite chair at home, your own backyard if it is quiet, or even a nearby chapel if you have access to one.   Settle into a comfortable position in your body and sit quietly for a few moments, breathing deeply,  becoming aware of God’s presence with you and your desire to be present with God. Sit quietly at the base of the tree that is your life and begin to notice what is true about…

A bigger table

When Paul writes about church he emphasises our connection with each other (1 cor 12-14, 1 cor 12:27-31) and talks about the nature of the love that weaves us together. In Romans 1:12 Paul talks of “that you and I maybe mutually encouraged by each others faith”. This is one of the core functions of church.  We explored three aspects of this:   The table of being Loved (being together): (When were you last aware of how much God loves you ?)   A deeper table (Growing together) : Colin suggested that in the West we tend to think this is an individual’s job – a kind of DIY, but that instead it’s God who transforms us, using life, faith…

Matthew 25 The start

We’re being challenged to take part in the matt 25 challenge with world vision. Have a go. Jesus told three types of stories. Stories of the Kingdom of God (which grows because of God not us), Stories of grace (I suspect because we struggle to understand this) and Stories of Judgement. The stories found in Matt 25 are stories of Judgement and I think they need to be read while holding the other stories in mind.  If we tend to lean towards judgement it maybe worth reminding ourselves that when Jesus quotes isaiah 61 in Luke 4:18-19, he stops before the judgement. It’s not that judgement won’t happen, but this was the time for it. There’s a story of brides…

Kia Ora – Welcome

Kia ora, Ngā mihi. Somehow you’ve ended up on the Parklands Baptist Community Church’s website. We gather for Sunday Services at 10:30am at 180 Queenspark Drive.  We’d love for you to check us out. If you can’t make it we live stream our service on facebook on a Parklands Baptist Community Church site. Never as good as being there,  Like anyone who follows Jesus we’re keen to make this world a better place to live in. We run a series of other events, employ some part time youth workers in schools, a part time community worker and are keen to partner with others to make North East Christchurch a great place to live.  Check out the Connect and Community tags…

Pay Attention to the light.

The metaphor of Light and darkness is used a lot in the bible, at creation and beyond.  Light is more relational than we think ? In 1 John 1:5-7 John reckons there’s something deeply relational to walking in the light. He goes further in 1 John 2:9.   How or why do you think that light might be so relational ? Why would hating someone affect light ? Can you think of an example. Light reveals what’s there – trust it. Colin told the story of dealing with bribes ? Have you any experience of this ? When have you prayed for the light to reveal something hidden.  Note that John suggests that we also have hidden stuff to confess.…

Where does it hurt ?

We’re making our way through a series seeking to help us love the people around us and alongside us, as we love God and ourselves.  At the moment we’re exploring things that might help us connect well with others. Todays Question is “Where does it hurt?” It’s a question that has some weight to it and not one to be offered lightly.  IN Mark 5:21-28 a women who has been suffering from an medical condition for a considerable time approaches Jesus. Everyone carries a level of hurt.  Some of the questions we paused to reflect on were : Where do you hurt ? What are you living your way through ? What is your hurt doing to you ?  …

Living into the promise.

On Sunday we explored some of Abram and Sarai’s story (they’ll get renamed as Abraham and Sarah).   Abram and Sarai have been given a promise of a future (in gen 12:3). Turns out it’s not always easy to lean into that. What they experience is that Sarai continues to be barren. We explored where Abram chooses a path of deception (Gen 12:10-20) and where he and Sarai try an ‘alternative arrangement’ (gen Ch 16).   In each of these cases they choose to live against the promise that had been made to them. In both cases they struggled to believe that God could do what he promised and let things unfold.    We noticed a theologian who said that…

Behold I am doing a new thing.

These discussion notes are designed to  be used alonside John Tucker’s Sermon ‘God is Doing a New Thing.” Summary For many of us. the last two ears have felt at times like a wilderness. Extended lockdowns, vaccine mandates, financial pressure, regular pivoting, constant uncertainty, have all taken their toll. Perhaps, like the people of Israel in exile, you’ve felt a little displaced, disoriented, disillusioned. In this message John Tucker, Carey’s principal, shares from Isaiah 43 on the promises of God to people in need of hope. What God said to the Israelite exiles, he says to us: “I am passionately committed to you, my people. And I am present with all my power to bring new life, both to you, and to the neighbourhoods…

Good Neighbours ?

Starter Question: What factors did you consider before choosing your current residence?  26 From one man he made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands. 27 God did this so that they would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from any one of us. Acts 17:26–27 (NIV) What do you like about this passage? Do you have any questions about these verses? Reflection/Discussion Questions How much of your block map were you able to fill in? Did you have any epiphanies as you did this exercise? Luke 10:29 says this about the teacher of…

4 Trusts and the People who work for them.

This week we interviewed David Baines from Kingdom Resources Trust, Mike Stanley from Delta community support trust, Gary Taylor from Vision College and Ian France from Person to person support trust. All of these trusts are active in christchurch seeking to support the materially poor.  In your small group, share together how you have attempted to help people who don’t have, or have been helped. What organisations do you know that are very helpful.  Can you remember what Delta, Kingdom resources, The Person to person trust and Vision college do ?  Jesus had a fair bit to say about the poor, what can you recall to mind ? Paul had less to say – but was consistently reminding people about…